API Reference

The Ranoz API lets you engage with Ranoz from your application or system through developer friendly designed endpoints. It uses standard HTTP methods (POST, GET, etc.) and responds with JSON content.

The Ranoz API works without authentication.

This reference is organized by core parts of the Ranoz system, such as files.

To simplify your code, our API has consistent structures.

Base URL

V1 is the latest version. For API updates that would break existing applications, the next version will be released. The previous versions remain valid.

Base URL


You can find out about the success or failure of your API request via the HTTP status. You can of course also check whether the response body is as expected, i.e. whether it contains the correct data. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error, what exactly went wrong is always indicated.

Code 404 must not only mean that the endpoint does not exist, but also that the requested resource may not exist.

  "data": {}